
Beth and Pat (mother and daughter look- a- likes enjoy a quiet moment together outside Beth's studio apartment in Quebec (The Laurentians).
This family photo was taken in June 2005 at daughter Jill's house. The occasion was an open house to celebrate Ted and Pat's 40th wedding anniversary. Pictured Ted, Beth, Pat, Jill and Pat's mom Doris Stinson.
The grandchildren gathered during Christmas 05, to wish Grandma Stinson happy holidays. Shown from left, Justin Foulon, Colin and Dylan Broad. Front row Emily Broad, Grandma Doris Stinson and Cameron Misselbrook-Laroque.
This group, worked together, played together, and enjoyed each others company as friends and co-workers at Canadian Canners in Dresden. They are from left Dalton Misselbrook, Keith Clark, Curly Clark and Jack Hooper.
Grandparents Al and Lil ( Nana and Popa) hosted a 13th birthday party for oldest grandboy Dylan at their home in Bothwell. Attending the event was brother Colin Broad, sister Emily, a Bothwell friend Taylor Kelly and cousins Justin and Cameron. A year has roled by and Dylan has marked 14 years. Look to this site for future pictures of Dawn (Misselbrook) Broad and her family as snaps become available.
Shirley Hasson and Sandra Pegg are engaged in conversation at a welcome party held at Alan and Lil Misselbrook's Bothwell area home. Lannie and Kathy Phillips from Brighton, were on hand as well. The Phillips lived and worked Dresden more than 40 years ago.
Glenda and Pat have enjoyed hundreds of hours in the Barbados sun. This photo was taken at Fishermans Pub in Spheighstown. "The best macarroni pie in the world notes Glenda".
A recent photo of Pat and Ted captured on the balcony of their Barbados apartment. Take notice of the beautiful floral background, with mother nature at its best.
Sisters Beth and Jill, from a photo taken at a family gathering held at Jill and Carl's Dresden home. Off in the background is Carl's mother, in for a visit from her native Quebec.
They've been friends forever. At a pool party gathering this photo was shuttered of Pat, Glenda, Kathy, Sue and Lillian in the summer of 2005.
After an impressive 45 year career in the food packaging industry Alan Misselbrook retired from Ball Corp. Limousine service, fine wines, and late night dining at his favorite eaterie, with Lillian, Pat and Ted capped off an eventful retirement celebration.
Beth has known Miles since before his 1st birthday. Now a handsome 8 year old, Miles and Nanny Beth have shared many of lifes most valued daily moments. With excitement Miles declares that a trip to Disneyland is sure to take place this summer
A retirement gift framed photo of Canadian Canners #5. was presented to Alan upon his retirement from the food packaging industry. Alan started his career at Old #5, and the place and picture holds a world of memories for him. There are only three such photographs still in existance. Ted Misselbrook has one, as does photographer Lynda Tiffin.
Ted and Bob Ellis they've been best of friends, well, since forever. They grewup on Davis Street, Dresden, attended the same schools, served in each others wedding party and have enjoyed numerous trips together along with Bob's wife Glenda and Ted's wife Pat. This photo was taken at Meford Harbour in August 05
Justin Foulon visited with his Aunt Beth Misselbrook for a week in Montreal. Beth is nanny to Miles. The two boys have become fast friends and had tons of things to do and play while in Montreal and later north to the Laurentian country home. Justin is shown with family friend "Slim" playing a little one on one.
Lee and Shannon announced their engagement recently. They've purchased a home off the Kent Bridge Road.
Bob and Carol Bresett of London joined us Canada Day for a BBQ at our Croton home. Friends for more 4o years, the Bresett's and Misselbrook have spent hundreds of fun hours in each others company. We wish Bob well, with his recent retirement.
When Dave and Mary Wenger of Mount Forest come for a visit to the Misselbrook Croton home, it's always cause for celebration. Dave and Mary have made some valued friends in Bill and Sue Butler, Bob and Glenda Ellis, Alan and Lil Misselbrook, Bruce and Mary Grainger and Ted and Pat all shown in this photo taken in 2005.
Grandson Justin Foulon not only passed forward to Grade 6, but did so and received a special award from Dresden Area Central School, for most improved in all areas of his grade 5 work. Justin is shown with his mom Jill at the award presentations recently.
Our favorite grandchildren, Justin and Cameron visited to celebrate POPS 61st Birthday. Party hats and birthday cake rounded out a fun day with "the boys".
Wedding Plans for Summer 2007 are in place for Jill and Carl. While the details are yet to be worked out, the thought is for a garden setting with small number of guests and family attending. Justin and Cameron are excited for their mom and dad and are looking forward to the grand celebration.
Jeff and Lynda Cunningham now of Kitchener are long time and valued friends of Ted and Pat. "It's not always easy with everyone busy, and the travel time, but we do get together once or twice a year for lunch, drinks, fun and talk, said Ted"
All Aboard...the words soon to be heard by Justin and Beth as they board VIA for a train trip from Chatham to Montreal. About a 10 hour journey including the layover in Toronto. Justins says it's worth every mile and every hour of wait to spend time with Aunt Beth and his good friend Miles in Montreal
Justin takes a break at the train station to snack-out before his 12 hour train trip from Montreal to Chatham. A 4 hour delay was caused by a freight train derailment west of Toronto.
Al and Lil hosted a surprize 60th birthday for Ted and combined Pat and Ted's 40th Wedding Anniversary as part of the celebration held at their Bothwell area home. The delightful dinner party was attended by Bill and Sue Butler, Dave and Mary Wenger, Bob and Glenda Ellis, Kathy Martin, and of course the four Misselbrooks.
The 11th annual Weese Family Reunion was held in May 2006. The entire day was outstanding in countless ways. One of the highlights was the gathering of 11 of the 12 lst cousins for this photo opportunity. Unable to attend was Dave Simpson. For more information see Weese Family Reunion page this website.
Cameron celebrated his 3rd birthday in January of this year (2006) with brother Justin as well as him mom and dad Grandparents Ted and Pat and Grandfather Tony from Quebec. also in attendance. Aunt Beth from Montreal and Great Grandmother Doris Stinson joined in all the festivities.
Dave abd Mary Wenger of Mount Forest have made a regular summer visit to Croton for the past 20 years or so. One of their favorite places, is any place as long as it is on the St. Clair River. Pictured are Dave and Mary at a Marina/Restaurant just outside Marine City.
Three year old grandson Justin, has been taking the plunge at Nanna and Pops Croton pool this summer. He's graduated to the "big pool" with lots of encouragement from family members.
What's the scoup behind Wenger and this picture???? Well sign my guest book and you'll receive "the rest of the story'".
I've included this picture of me, just because. Because it's my website, and while I'm delighted to post pictures of family and friends...I thought why not me. This was taken at a water side restaurant along the St Clair River recently.
Carl and Jill operate CJ Window Tinting from their home garages on Wellington Street in Dresden. Now in their 2nd year of business, the flegling company provides window tint products for home, auto, farm, RV's, business and farm operators.
They have their own website for your viewing pleasure at ......
The family of Walter and Bessie Weese are from left Gerald, Dorothy Simpson Clark, Winnifred Misselbrook, Don Weese, and Doug Weese. Inset bottom left Bill Weese. A Weese Family Reunion and Garden Party has been held every year for the past 12 years in Dresden at Weese Memorial Gardens.
Miles and Justin take on some fishing with Justin's Aunt Beth at a country home in the Laurentions Quebec. The boys reported that the catch was just fine.
One of my favorite pictures. Why we left Pat out that day is uncertain, but a photo of dad and his daughters is always a good thing. Beth , made the trip from her home in Montreal for a getaway weekend in Croton.
This photo was snapped at the 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for Ted and Pat held at their daughter Jill's and Carl's house in Dresden. Grandboys Justin and Cameron had a great time as did Pat's mom Doris Stinson
lst Cousin to Alan and Ted, Velda Clark is centred by Lil and Pat at a luncheon held recently in Bothwell. The visit of Keith and Velda was a wonderful time to reminice and reflect on times past.
Alan and Lil Ted and Pat played host to Keith and first cousin Velda (Misselbrook) Clark at a luncheon recently at the Bothwell Misselbrooks.
Great Grandma Doris and Cameron found some hats for "play time" recently at Ted and Pats. As you can see they are good pals and....look pretty cool as well.
Justin had a pretty terrific summer of 2006. Baseball all summer long is a game he loves to play. A visit with his Aunt Beth in Montreal for a week, plus a trip to Toronto that included his family and his friend Robbie.
We had a wonderful visit with the Stemps in Barbados at Mackston Apartments last March. Joining Harry for the mid-morning visit are Stemps Dana, Stacey, Garrett and Mia. Pat and I agree, Dana and Stacey are really cool parents, raising two delightful children.
Grandson Cameron was a Halloween Super Hero, older brother Justin removed his monster mask, so that he could get a better look at Cam Butler in her devil's costume.
They gathered for Pat's 60th Birthday at a Chatham bistro. The event organized by Lil and Glenda, saw 16 friends and family attend. Pictured is daughter Jill, Lillian Misselbrook, Pat and her mother, Doris Stinson. Pat was 60 on November 2nd, 2006.
This is a collection of photo memories that include, the Misselbrook family, other people, places and things. We hope you will enjoy.
Copy cutlines for each picture can be accessed when you click on a photo
Beth and Pat (mother and daughter look- a- likes enjoy a quiet moment together outside Beth's studio apartment in Quebec (The Laurentians).
This family photo was taken in June 2005 at daughter Jill's house. The occasion was an open house to celebrate Ted and Pat's 40th wedding anniversary. Pictured Ted, Beth, Pat, Jill and Pat's mom Doris Stinson.
The grandchildren gathered during Christmas 05, to wish Grandma Stinson happy holidays. Shown from left, Justin Foulon, Colin and Dylan Broad. Front row Emily Broad, Grandma Doris Stinson and Cameron Misselbrook-Laroque.
This group, worked together, played together, and enjoyed each others company as friends and co-workers at Canadian Canners in Dresden. They are from left Dalton Misselbrook, Keith Clark, Curly Clark and Jack Hooper.
Grandparents Al and Lil ( Nana and Popa) hosted a 13th birthday party for oldest grandboy Dylan at their home in Bothwell. Attending the event was brother Colin Broad, sister Emily, a Bothwell friend Taylor Kelly and cousins Justin and Cameron. A year has roled by and Dylan has marked 14 years. Look to this site for future pictures of Dawn (Misselbrook) Broad and her family as snaps become available.
Shirley Hasson and Sandra Pegg are engaged in conversation at a welcome party held at Alan and Lil Misselbrook's Bothwell area home. Lannie and Kathy Phillips from Brighton, were on hand as well. The Phillips lived and worked Dresden more than 40 years ago.
Glenda and Pat have enjoyed hundreds of hours in the Barbados sun. This photo was taken at Fishermans Pub in Spheighstown. "The best macarroni pie in the world notes Glenda".
A recent photo of Pat and Ted captured on the balcony of their Barbados apartment. Take notice of the beautiful floral background, with mother nature at its best.
Sisters Beth and Jill, from a photo taken at a family gathering held at Jill and Carl's Dresden home. Off in the background is Carl's mother, in for a visit from her native Quebec.
They've been friends forever. At a pool party gathering this photo was shuttered of Pat, Glenda, Kathy, Sue and Lillian in the summer of 2005.
After an impressive 45 year career in the food packaging industry Alan Misselbrook retired from Ball Corp. Limousine service, fine wines, and late night dining at his favorite eaterie, with Lillian, Pat and Ted capped off an eventful retirement celebration.
Beth has known Miles since before his 1st birthday. Now a handsome 8 year old, Miles and Nanny Beth have shared many of lifes most valued daily moments. With excitement Miles declares that a trip to Disneyland is sure to take place this summer
A retirement gift framed photo of Canadian Canners #5. was presented to Alan upon his retirement from the food packaging industry. Alan started his career at Old #5, and the place and picture holds a world of memories for him. There are only three such photographs still in existance. Ted Misselbrook has one, as does photographer Lynda Tiffin.
Ted and Bob Ellis they've been best of friends, well, since forever. They grewup on Davis Street, Dresden, attended the same schools, served in each others wedding party and have enjoyed numerous trips together along with Bob's wife Glenda and Ted's wife Pat. This photo was taken at Meford Harbour in August 05
Justin Foulon visited with his Aunt Beth Misselbrook for a week in Montreal. Beth is nanny to Miles. The two boys have become fast friends and had tons of things to do and play while in Montreal and later north to the Laurentian country home. Justin is shown with family friend "Slim" playing a little one on one.
Lee and Shannon announced their engagement recently. They've purchased a home off the Kent Bridge Road.
Bob and Carol Bresett of London joined us Canada Day for a BBQ at our Croton home. Friends for more 4o years, the Bresett's and Misselbrook have spent hundreds of fun hours in each others company. We wish Bob well, with his recent retirement.
When Dave and Mary Wenger of Mount Forest come for a visit to the Misselbrook Croton home, it's always cause for celebration. Dave and Mary have made some valued friends in Bill and Sue Butler, Bob and Glenda Ellis, Alan and Lil Misselbrook, Bruce and Mary Grainger and Ted and Pat all shown in this photo taken in 2005.
Grandson Justin Foulon not only passed forward to Grade 6, but did so and received a special award from Dresden Area Central School, for most improved in all areas of his grade 5 work. Justin is shown with his mom Jill at the award presentations recently.
Our favorite grandchildren, Justin and Cameron visited to celebrate POPS 61st Birthday. Party hats and birthday cake rounded out a fun day with "the boys".
Wedding Plans for Summer 2007 are in place for Jill and Carl. While the details are yet to be worked out, the thought is for a garden setting with small number of guests and family attending. Justin and Cameron are excited for their mom and dad and are looking forward to the grand celebration.
Jeff and Lynda Cunningham now of Kitchener are long time and valued friends of Ted and Pat. "It's not always easy with everyone busy, and the travel time, but we do get together once or twice a year for lunch, drinks, fun and talk, said Ted"
All Aboard...the words soon to be heard by Justin and Beth as they board VIA for a train trip from Chatham to Montreal. About a 10 hour journey including the layover in Toronto. Justins says it's worth every mile and every hour of wait to spend time with Aunt Beth and his good friend Miles in Montreal
Justin takes a break at the train station to snack-out before his 12 hour train trip from Montreal to Chatham. A 4 hour delay was caused by a freight train derailment west of Toronto.
Al and Lil hosted a surprize 60th birthday for Ted and combined Pat and Ted's 40th Wedding Anniversary as part of the celebration held at their Bothwell area home. The delightful dinner party was attended by Bill and Sue Butler, Dave and Mary Wenger, Bob and Glenda Ellis, Kathy Martin, and of course the four Misselbrooks.
The 11th annual Weese Family Reunion was held in May 2006. The entire day was outstanding in countless ways. One of the highlights was the gathering of 11 of the 12 lst cousins for this photo opportunity. Unable to attend was Dave Simpson. For more information see Weese Family Reunion page this website.
Cameron celebrated his 3rd birthday in January of this year (2006) with brother Justin as well as him mom and dad Grandparents Ted and Pat and Grandfather Tony from Quebec. also in attendance. Aunt Beth from Montreal and Great Grandmother Doris Stinson joined in all the festivities.
Dave abd Mary Wenger of Mount Forest have made a regular summer visit to Croton for the past 20 years or so. One of their favorite places, is any place as long as it is on the St. Clair River. Pictured are Dave and Mary at a Marina/Restaurant just outside Marine City.
Three year old grandson Justin, has been taking the plunge at Nanna and Pops Croton pool this summer. He's graduated to the "big pool" with lots of encouragement from family members.
What's the scoup behind Wenger and this picture???? Well sign my guest book and you'll receive "the rest of the story'".
I've included this picture of me, just because. Because it's my website, and while I'm delighted to post pictures of family and friends...I thought why not me. This was taken at a water side restaurant along the St Clair River recently.
Carl and Jill operate CJ Window Tinting from their home garages on Wellington Street in Dresden. Now in their 2nd year of business, the flegling company provides window tint products for home, auto, farm, RV's, business and farm operators.
They have their own website for your viewing pleasure at ......
The family of Walter and Bessie Weese are from left Gerald, Dorothy Simpson Clark, Winnifred Misselbrook, Don Weese, and Doug Weese. Inset bottom left Bill Weese. A Weese Family Reunion and Garden Party has been held every year for the past 12 years in Dresden at Weese Memorial Gardens.
Miles and Justin take on some fishing with Justin's Aunt Beth at a country home in the Laurentions Quebec. The boys reported that the catch was just fine.
One of my favorite pictures. Why we left Pat out that day is uncertain, but a photo of dad and his daughters is always a good thing. Beth , made the trip from her home in Montreal for a getaway weekend in Croton.
This photo was snapped at the 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for Ted and Pat held at their daughter Jill's and Carl's house in Dresden. Grandboys Justin and Cameron had a great time as did Pat's mom Doris Stinson
lst Cousin to Alan and Ted, Velda Clark is centred by Lil and Pat at a luncheon held recently in Bothwell. The visit of Keith and Velda was a wonderful time to reminice and reflect on times past.
Alan and Lil Ted and Pat played host to Keith and first cousin Velda (Misselbrook) Clark at a luncheon recently at the Bothwell Misselbrooks.
Great Grandma Doris and Cameron found some hats for "play time" recently at Ted and Pats. As you can see they are good pals and....look pretty cool as well.
Justin had a pretty terrific summer of 2006. Baseball all summer long is a game he loves to play. A visit with his Aunt Beth in Montreal for a week, plus a trip to Toronto that included his family and his friend Robbie.
We had a wonderful visit with the Stemps in Barbados at Mackston Apartments last March. Joining Harry for the mid-morning visit are Stemps Dana, Stacey, Garrett and Mia. Pat and I agree, Dana and Stacey are really cool parents, raising two delightful children.
Grandson Cameron was a Halloween Super Hero, older brother Justin removed his monster mask, so that he could get a better look at Cam Butler in her devil's costume.
They gathered for Pat's 60th Birthday at a Chatham bistro. The event organized by Lil and Glenda, saw 16 friends and family attend. Pictured is daughter Jill, Lillian Misselbrook, Pat and her mother, Doris Stinson. Pat was 60 on November 2nd, 2006.
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