Misselbrook Family Website

14 Annual Weese Family Reunion Photo Album!

14th Annual WEESE Family Reunion  and Garden Party
Held Saturday, May 23rd./09

Weese Family Members

gathered at the family gardens in the heart of downtown Dresden to volunteer their time and labour pruning trees, raking leaves at the 14th annual garden and dinner party.

Once again

A few of the photos shown in this photo Album were taken by Ted and Jill Misselbrook at the morning garden work party and during the pizza lunch.
"Click on the photos to enlarge or to view as a slide show"

A very special thank you to Mike Babin for his always creative work as the official photograher at the Weese Family Reunion.

Please follow this link to access all
of the Mike Babin photos taken at the
May 23rd/2009 family gathering.

Just click below

Of course lots of folks...do lots of work...organizing and planning for the one day event and I am very appreciative for all their effort.
Ted M.